- calendar_month January 14, 2023
- folder Los Angeles
Hi there and welcome to my blog, as you may have guessed by now, I am Alex Vaiz. I ask for your forgiveness in advanced, as I am not much of a blogger, but I am changing that as of now. So if you find grammatical errors, or incorrect spelling, please have mercy!
Mission Hills Christian Church! I have been coming here since 2016 for a number of reasons, but the biggest one, perhaps the most important one, was the feeling of inclusion, that safe space feeling. Growing up in Los Angeles, we didn't have the most inclusive sacred spaces, so when I woke up that one Sunday morning and found Mission Hills Christian Church after doing a google search for LGBTQ+ friendly churches near me, this was one of the ones that jumped off the page at me and I am so grateful it did. Talk about amazing people, the congregation here is more of an extended family to me than church friends. Fast forward to today, January 14, 2023 it is nice to have some normalcy back again as we shift are gears towards going back to in person activities. Tonight we had the awesome opportunity to experience a wonderful conversation with an awesome gentleman by the name of Bradley Onishi co-host of the popular Straight White American Jesus. It was really awesome to share space to hear about what he had to say about from his podcasts. I don't want to give it away so I will share the link to his website here Straight White American Jesus and allow you the experience to un-box that treat yourself. I will admit I am not the best about my attendance, well because I am not perfect, and working in real estate, if you're slightly newer, most of your Sundays are promised to doing open houses. Occasionally I can sneak in a Sunday morning session. Whether or not you have a church, this is the best place for the most un-churchly people. Here you will find people from all walks of life with one simple mission, to grip an understanding of ourselves and God, and always keep an open mind and a curious heart.
Again, I am not a blogger, I hope to get better at this in time, but I hope you enjoyed this small little post about my experience at one of my favorite places to spend my time at, in this world.
Here is a link to Mission Hills Christian Church Service is at 10a every Sunday morning, come in have a cup of coffee, say hi to Pastor Ryan and the gang, and treat yourself to a wonderful experience.
This is Alex Vaiz, signing off, till next time! :-)